Visited 9th November

After Fatt's Place we rolled over here looking for a bit of music. 'Happy hour' was over and the prices certainly didn't make me happy. My friends ordered drinks and, despite popular rumour, I don't always drink to excess so I thought I'd sit with a glass of water before moving back to the booze. I was shocked by the waitress' aggressive response; she informed me that I

Sticky Fingers is surely a contender for having the worst service in Hong Kong. In the past I've put up with rude demands for payment, refusals to get change and aggressive, angry staff. During 'crazy hour' it's almost bearable because of the cheap drinks, but not when you're paying $57 for a beer. Sticky Fingers is smoky, crowded and full of ladies who are there for professional reasons; though the food is OK, it's expensive. There is no excuse for rude, argumentative, arrogant bar staff; this is especially embarrassing for Hong Kong considering many international visitors find there way here from surrounding hotels. I'd be happy never to set foot in Sticky Fingers again.
I used to go there but since it was swarmed by Professional ladies looking for Business...i just didn't want to go there anymore makes it look cheap and SUPER OVERCROWDED!...
Hi 'Twistedskar'
Thanks for the comment. I agree with what your are saying. Sticky Fingers could be such a good bar, but bad service and 'interesting' crowd mean that I wouldn't botehr going back there either.
I recognize that perceptions/impressions of a venue is an individualized concept that widely varies from person to person and varies according to the time of the visit, etc. I was actually there for most of October 2007 and November 2007, and had a quite favorable experience at Sticky Fingers. In fact I have been going there since the establishment opened. The food is quite good, the drinks reasonably priced, compared to those here at home in Washington, DC. The crowd has always been delightful. I have made many friends there from tourists, to expats, to locals. The bar staff and waitresses are extremely nice and accomodating to me, treating me as if I was one of the family. Raul is a top-notch bartender and a friend to many who frequent Sticky Fingers. The original poster and I do agree that the Filipino band is very good and I never tire of enjoying their talents. I encourage those in Hong Kong to visit and enjoy Sticky Fingers, and draw your own conclusion.
Thanks for the comment Dave
I suppose it's just all a matter of personal opinion and I'm just glad your experiences were better than mine!! The band is great though
Your comments are right on the money!! I've been going to the place for a few years. I've been here 6 weeks and spent ample sums at Sticky's. Still I get crap from the so-called manager, a Nepalese bitch who thinks she walks on water and owns the place. I asked her why she was being so rude and she told me I could take my business elswhere if I didn't like it. Take my business elsewhere? I wonder what the real owners of SF would say if they knew that their "manager" was inviting regulars like I used to be to leave??? The two guys behind the bar are good, but the rest? Marginal at best and all with bad attitudes. One really good bar in TST East would either shut these places down or at least shut them up.
I couldn't agree more! I visit HK about once per month ~ 6 weeks and have been going to SF for a few years. This trip has turned into a 6 week stay, many nights of which I spent at SF. I often felt the staff - most, not all - were obnoxious but thought it might only be me. I mentioned this to the so-called "manager" - a rude, Nepalese bitch named Lisa - and she said if I didn't like it I could leave. Leave? I've spent HUGE money in that place, bought drinks and meals for the band and the staff and she invites me to leave??? I wonder what the owners would say if they knew how this bitch is treating very good, regular customers. Anyway, I won't go back again unless it's just to aggravate her. Now that I've vented, are there any good places in Kowloon City?
Strong comments, but you can probably guess that I agree with most of them. The fact that a few people have commented on my post on Sticky Fingers suggests to me that people unhappy with the place. The area does lack a good pub - the drinks at Bulldogs are way too expensive in my opinion. If I'm in the area now I tend to suggest King Ludwig's Beer Hall, while not quite a bar it's got reasonably priced decent German beers which normally do the job.
Thanks for the comments.
I visit Sticky Fingers everytime I'm in town (4-5 times per year for 3 years now). I go for the bands, and the drinks are reasonable priced as well. I can only say my experiences with hried help have all been wonderful. The waitresses have been attentive and polite - the bartenders were quick, courteous, and have never had an issue serving me water after drinking my share. Also, I will regularly stop drinking and continue to hang out for 2-3 hours dancing and drinking water with never a challenge.
As for the female customers, yes, probably 75% are professional - but they don't bother you, they are generally attractive, they will dance with you, they will flirt, and if you tell them you are not interested in using their services they'll simply move on - though often if you treat them nicely they continue to hang out and talk with you if the crowd is light.
So, my recommendation is you go and enjoy yourself. I certainly do and will.
I'll be back on June 8th, 9th, 12th and 13th... catch you all on the dance floor.
Thanks for the comment TJ
I'm glad you've had such a good time at Sticky fingers. The number of comments gives the impression that it's certainly a place that divides the crowd. I have friends who often go on a Friday night and enjoy it. Hong Kong’s a big place with plenty of fantastic bars and it’s great that everyone can find something to their taste.
Thanks for adding your opinion
I made some pretty harsh comments in Nov 2007 about the manager at Sticky's. I was wrong about things. First she is not Nepalese, and second she is not a bitch. No excuses but it was a tough time of my life and I was way too sensitive.. Lisa (manager) is actually avery nice person and a good manager. I feel a little foolish for having sais those things, and want to apologize to Lisa and any others I offended by my stupid remarks. Please accept my apologies. Sincerely, Mitch
I would have to agree 100% about the poor service. Sticky Fingers has since moved to another location. I may take a look to see if they've turned over a new leaf and things have improved.
Although there is good lived music, the service is incredibly poor. 'Professional' women make the bar so cheap. DON'T GO THERE!
Was just at SF last week and the waitresses were fine, in fact I had a problem with more than one person responding to a signal for the bill. Depends on when and why you're there I guess; if you're in HK on business you're not going to pull a super-late night so the happy hour is great while still allowing you to sample the band. My waitress was nice enough to allow me to have my second HH drink while the band was playing golden oldies.
Yes, lots of older white men with asian professional women, but as a woman myself I was left strictly and happily alone with tasty food and a cheap drinks - good way to unwind after a stressful day of meetings.
Spicy is still fun, but don't go to Sticky Fingers in Tsim Sha Tsui: My wife and I (we are both 56) have spent many nights at Stickies and always had a good time. I’m sure the bar enjoyed the amount of money we have spent there. The last two times going was very disappointing. During Chinese New Year we found both the food and the service very bad. It was also the first time I felt decimated (we are both white and from California but now live in Hong Kong). Thinking this was just a bad night we went again last night (March 4th). We found a seat on the corner near the band (we go so often we know the band members). We had a good time until about mid night. Then we were told to move to some back crowded table with people we don’t know. Seems they wanted the table for a small group of locals that came in. This ended with the bouncer escorting us out for reasons we still don't know. Again, we are both 56, professional and upscale clients. We don’t cause trouble. If you are a local with money, please go.. if you are white with money, don’t waste your time. There are too many other places in Hong Kong to go to have to put up with this low class service.
Spicy is still fun, but don't go to Sticky Fingers in Tsim Sha Tsui: My wife and I (we are both 56) have spent many nights at Stickies and always had a good time. I’m sure the bar enjoyed the amount of money we have spent there. The last two times going was very disappointing. During Chinese New Year we found both the food and the service very bad. It was also the first time I felt decimated (we are both white and from California but now live in Hong Kong). Thinking this was just a bad night we went again last night (March 4th). We found a seat on the corner near the band (we go so often we know the band members). We had a good time until about mid night. Then we were told to move to some back crowded table with people we don’t know. Seems they wanted the table for a small group of locals that came in. This ended with the bouncer escorting us out for reasons we still don't know. Again, we are both 56, professional and upscale clients. We don’t cause trouble. If you are a local with money, please go.. if you are white with money, don’t waste your time. There are too many other places in Hong Kong to go to have to put up with this low class service.
That Lisa is real bitch trust me, I've been there many times.. Spicy fingers are way much much better..
CHERRY is the real fat bitch who happened to be the lady boss relatives. Trust me, I've been there for so many times to support my friends in the band but since they left I never go there again.I agree to all your bad comments because it's the real truth.
I agree to the last comment,Even her Co-workers dislike her (cherry) for her bad character.
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